Author Archives: iselvacon2

About iselvacon2

My name is Isabel and as you know I teach in the Bachiller Sabuco High School in the mornings. My three passions are my family, nature and reading. My favourite book is "Los Miserables"by Victor Hugo, but I also love Hawthorne, Melville, Stevenson, Tolstoi and Flaubert. On holidays we travel with our caravan...Can you imagine what it is like to read your favourite book while you're hearing the raindrops on the roof of the caravan... ? It's Paradise on Earth. You're always welcome to this new blog . Please, feel free to leave a comment. I sincerely appreciate it.

Digital lessons to prepare Oral Exam IB


Click on one of the following links to access to the Blendspace lessons. Look for your image and your questions. Good luck !!




Customs and traditions

Bagels & video worksheets freshly made.


Have you ever tried bagels ? They are round pieces of bread, originally Jewish, now very popular in America as sandwiches with many different ingredients : salmon, cheese, ham, tomato… These are freshly made like my worksheets. Download your level and print it. We will use it in class in a few days.

Video worksheets 3 ESO

video worksheets 4ºEso

video worksheets 1ºB.

Video worksheets 1ºBach

Video workheets 3rd ESO

Video worksheets 3rd ESO

Video worksheets 3rd ESO

Video worksheets 1stBac.

Video worksheets 1stBac. II

How to write catchy intros in your essays


paisajes-naturaleza-caminos-bosques_08Ever been trekking by the countryside ? Then, you will easily understand that a good intro is like the start of a beautiful path. It appeals to you. It is like a magnet. It says to you : “Follow me” and you can’t resist doing so.

Some ways of getting that could be the following :

_ Start with a question to the reader .

_ Quote someone .

_ Start telling an engaging story .

_ Offer background information about the topic: A recent event, some statistics…

_ Use humor: Tell a joke or a funny anecdote. Who doesn’t want to have a laugh?

_ Surprise the reader with a startling fact : “A deer is more likely to kill you than a shark”.

_ Justify your qualifications about the topic if you can.

I hope you will surprise me with your essays next Monday…I’m sure you will! Good luck !!!

“Biodiversity” Story and Pictures — National Geographic Your Shot


36_Coral_Reef_nature_wallpapers_download_for_mobile_Coral_Reefs_beautiful_gallery_hdHow much life can you find around you ? Apparently, the 15,672 pics submitted for the National Geographic magazine are any indication.

We can see everything : from elephants to arthropods  scarcely (=escasamente ) bigger than the period at the end of this sentence. Creatures of the air, like birds, butterflies and moths (=polillas), as well as creatures of the sea, like sharks, sponges, coral or jellyfish.

It is not always easy to show a community of creatures , including several species in one pic. Nature loves to hide and sometimes it gets hard to see the individuals.

Have a look at them on the link below and tell us which one is the most interesting picture for you and why . Try to justify your choice convincingly .Imagine that we are jury at a photo contest . Which one would choose for the first prize and why ? Thanks so much for participating !!!

“Biodiversity” Story and Pictures — National Geographic Your Shot.

“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button “


benjamin ButtonNow that we have just finished watching the film and reading the book, I would like you to answer some questions about this interesting story. You can choose one that you specially like or write  a couple of sentences about each one ,if you prefer.

_ Are you afraid of getting older ?Why ?      

_ Is it possible to love someone who is very older or younger than you ?  Why?  Do know examples ?                                                            

_ Which is your favourite character in the film and why ?                                              

_Roger Button abandoned the baby at the beginning of the film ? What do you think about that ?Why did he do it ?    

 _Do we judge people for their appearances ? Is that right ?                

_ Which positive message do you get from the film ?

I’m looking forward to reading about your opinions…!

“Lost” episode 4: “The Walkabout”


john LockeFor years, John Locke had been suffering the humiliations of an unconsiderate boss . His main wish was to prove  others and himself that he could do more than they thought. The sentence he hated the most was :”You can´t do it, John”.

That’s why he decided to buy two tickets to Australia and do the “walkabout” once there. That’s why, also, he kept on  chasing the boar by himself, in the jungle, in the last episode, until he killed the animal.

In a sense, we could say that the island made for him the change that he had wished in his life, as he managed to do something extraordinary, extremely dangerous and valuable for other people.  Read the rest of this entry

Lost (Episode 3)


Jack ShepardSawyerBoth Jack Shepard and Sawyer seem to have strong personalities in differnt ways. Who , would you say, will become the leader of the group ?  Why ? Which personal qualities would be the most valuable and interesting to become the group leader ?Physical strength ? Education ? Scientific knowledge ? Creativity ? Ability to cooperate with otherrs ? Assertiveness? Technical skills?

Is there any other quality which you consider specially important in the context of the series ? Sympathy ?(=Empatía) Sense of humour ? Listening skills? Social skills? Team work ?