Monthly Archives: January 2014

Lost (Episode 3)


Jack ShepardSawyerBoth Jack Shepard and Sawyer seem to have strong personalities in differnt ways. Who , would you say, will become the leader of the group ?  Why ? Which personal qualities would be the most valuable and interesting to become the group leader ?Physical strength ? Education ? Scientific knowledge ? Creativity ? Ability to cooperate with otherrs ? Assertiveness? Technical skills?

Is there any other quality which you consider specially important in the context of the series ? Sympathy ?(=Empatía) Sense of humour ? Listening skills? Social skills? Team work ?

Lost episode 2

Lost episode 2

Thanks a million for your comments about the first episode which were really good and interesting to read. I had the time of my life going through them all. Your diaries entries were so vivid and realistic that I thought that J.J. Abrams would have enjoyed tallking with you about the script of the series… really !!! 

This week I have a different question: If food and water were granted on the island, which other three objects would you like to find in the suitcases from the plane to have with you there ? A pencil ? A notebook ? Photos from your loved ones ? A laptop ? A musical instrument ? A game ? A brush and some paints ? A compass ? … …

Why do you think they would be useful or helpful to you on the island ? What could you do with them ? … …. … …