“The Curious Case of Benjamin Button “


benjamin ButtonNow that we have just finished watching the film and reading the book, I would like you to answer some questions about this interesting story. You can choose one that you specially like or write  a couple of sentences about each one ,if you prefer.

_ Are you afraid of getting older ?Why ?      

_ Is it possible to love someone who is very older or younger than you ?  Why?  Do know examples ?                                                            

_ Which is your favourite character in the film and why ?                                              

_Roger Button abandoned the baby at the beginning of the film ? What do you think about that ?Why did he do it ?    

 _Do we judge people for their appearances ? Is that right ?                

_ Which positive message do you get from the film ?

I’m looking forward to reading about your opinions…!

About iselvacon2

My name is Isabel and as you know I teach in the Bachiller Sabuco High School in the mornings. My three passions are my family, nature and reading. My favourite book is "Los Miserables"by Victor Hugo, but I also love Hawthorne, Melville, Stevenson, Tolstoi and Flaubert. On holidays we travel with our caravan...Can you imagine what it is like to read your favourite book while you're hearing the raindrops on the roof of the caravan... ? It's Paradise on Earth. You're always welcome to this new blog . Please, feel free to leave a comment. I sincerely appreciate it.

25 responses »

  1. My name is Marta Sánchez Sánchez 3a.
    I am not afraid of getting older because i think that it is something very natural and you can`t do anything for change it. On the other hand, i think that it is a long process in which you can do a lot of different activities.
    The people usually judge others for their appearances and i think that it is something horrrible because in some cases it isn´t true.
    A positive message from this film could be the way that benjamin love his mother in spite of not being his real mother.

  2. In my opinion, yes, it’s possible to love someone who is a few years older than you, I think that when you love somebody, the age is not important.
    My favourite character is Queenie, because, in my opinion, she’s a very good person. She adopted Benjamin instead of giving him to the police, or leaving him in a empty street, even when nobody asked her to do it, and she loved him like a mother.
    I think that what Roger Button did is horrible. He abandoned Benjamin because Roger bleamed him the death of his wife.
    I guess the honest answer is yes, we sometimes judge people for their appearances, but that is not right.

  3. I´m not afraid of getting older because I think that growing is something normal and each stage of the life has advantages and disadvantages.The best thing we can do is enjoy every moment to the fullest.

    I think that it is possible to love someone who is very older than you because love doesn´t undertands of ages, whenever both feel the same and have things in common it is possible to be happy with the other person.

    My favorite character is benjamin button because he was born in specials circumstances and he was a different boy, and his life was intense, full of discoveries and riddled with small disappointments.

    In my opinion,I think that is very wrong that benjamin´s father anbandoned his son because he is his child and he must accept him with his faults.Roger was afraid to see his son so old and ugly when it had just been born and he didn’t want to take charge of him without his wife after dying in the childbirth.

    Yes, in this society in which we live, it makes that we judge people without hardly know them or know something about them only by their physical appearance. That is not right because first impressions aren´t always certain and the physical is not the most important thing.

    The positive message that has transmitted me this film so emotional is that despite all the problems and difficulties that the main character,benjamin,had in his life he got to be happy and met the true love.

  4. _Do we judge people for their appearances? Is that right?

    Most of the people judge others for their appearances. I think that’s not right, because we can’t really know how is a person if we don’t get to know him or her. In my opinion, we shouldn’t talk without knowing, because we can tell things that are not true, and people can be hurt, so it’s better to know about what you’re talking before saying anything that could be wrong. This film has taught me that the important thing is the inside of the person, not the outside, and that you never really get to know someone.

  5. Hi, my name is Cristina García and I’m in 3ºA. I think that all the people in the world can stay in a relationship with anyone, and the age isn’t care, the only thing that you have to do is to love that person. Because, the love haven’t got rules, you can stay in love with black or white people, with a fat or thin person, with a heterosexual or homosexual people, with a person who live far away, so, for me, the age is only a number. I meet people who have many years older than his boyfriend or her girlfriend, not a lot of, but three or five years. My favourite character is the woman who met Benjamin in the hotel and she teach him somethings like how to eat caviar, and then, she swim the ocean. I think she is a good example to follow, because it teaches us to pursue our dreams.

  6. Yes, I,m afraid of growing old because went you are old come problems, including economic, family issues…even when you are old start you to see all negative, life is short, your phisical appaerance is no longuer equal to which it before. But on the other hand I want to grow to learn news things,such as travel to countries, that I havent visited, and learn more about their culture.
    Also I would like to travel to Africa amd poor countries to help the needy.
    And also I want to be to do what I want as a return home to the hour you want to go to buy things, meet my friends….

    • No, I am not afraid to grow old, because it means that you are getting to know new things.
      Your business some parts of the world, knowing several countries, cities, your discover love towards other people, who are not of your family, or more value to other people in your family.

      And above all you start to see things more clearly, and to value other things more.
      I want to get older to travel best known countries and also to the poor, to help as I can to those in need, and I want to have my own house, car and pet.
      Also when you get older you really know who you are and what your role in the world.

      But aging supposed disadvantages: you have less energy, life is short, economic, health problems can come…
      well… I think that growth is good.

  7. Hi.I´m Carlos Aguilar.I think that Roger Button had reasons to abandone Benjamin,but he shouldn´t do it,because he couldn´t live without remember it.He did it because he didn´t know what he could do with the baby.My favourite character in the film is Benjamin Button,because all the story is about how he survived without a father and he loved one girl.He had a baby wiht that girl(her name is Daisy) and then,he left Daisy because he thought that he couldn´t be the father of the baby, because he was getting younger every day,and he couldn´tprotect or teach the baby anything.

  8. 1
    Yes, because when you getting older, you can´t do some funny activity. For example, when you are a younger person, you can go out with your friend the times that you like or ever the hour that you like. But when you getting older, your body, haven´t got the resistance that you need for do this thing. And other thing that is sad, it´s that some people around you, started to die.

    Yes. Because you don´t choose the people that you love. Perhaps you feel more comfortable with a person younger that you, or older than you; that someone with the same age than you.
    Yes. I meet a man and a woman which are carried eight years. He is thirty two years old, and she is twenty four years old. The difference of age, it isn´t a problem. They are happy and don´t mind the age.

    I think that this action is very bad but on a small part, I understand him. Because, he thought it would be a nuisance and burden for his wife.
    The reason because he did this is, he thought that over the time, he converted in a baby. And he would depend on his wife. And I also think another reason that he does this. From he, will be very difficult to explain for him son him situation.

    The most of people, always judge the appearances of the person, before meet well them.
    I consider myself, that I am a person who judges the rest of people for their appearances. I recognize this, but some people say that, they never judge someone for his appearance, when they judge all of the time.
    The positive message that I get from the film is, that the life changes all of days, you shouldn’t sad because one day is bad, but perhaps the next day can will be the best day of his life. Or you think that lose an important person in your life and with the past of the time, this person can will become.
    And other message it is to spend time pass, if you love a person, you never will left to love it.

  9. Queenie is my favorite character because she adopts Benjamin when he was abandoned by his father. She take care of him and love him as he was her son. She did not care that he was not a normal kid and she did not scare of him.
    I think, though it is not correct, we judge people by their appearance until we know how they really are. It is not appropriate but we tend to do.
    The positive message of the film is that despite the difficulties of life we have to learn to overcome them and move on, as Benjamin even having this strange problem.

  10. Many times, we judge people for their apperences. It is because when we see a person we have the first impression about him or her . The feelings that a person gives us influence in our ideas about him/ her, and this is wrong, because people can be old, young , ugly or fat, but the really important thing is how is that person inside.

    In the film we have some examples , like when Roger Button left Benjamin when he was a baby because he throught that Benjamin looks like a monster. Or when Daisy fell in love with Benjamin without caring his aspect.

  11. Hello, I’m Shania. Am I afraid of getting older? Why? Yes I am because I think a persons best life years are when they are young. You experience new things, you learn, have fun and go to school, you don’t have to work like your parents, your young and experiencing life. When your older you can’t have as much fun as when your younger, you can’t go to a mates house and stay awake all night or have a sweet fight at breaktime with your friends or fall in love with a person for the first time. I’m afraid of getting older because I think my lifestyle will change. Roger Button abandoned the baby at the beginning of the film. What do you think about that? Why did he do it? I think he abandoned the baby because his wife had died giving birth to him and because he coudn’t look after him well. He then decided to leave him in someones doorstep because he knew he was going to be looked after better. I also think he abandoned the baby because he didn’t look like a proper baby, he looked like an old man but little. I don’t think it’s very nice to do that because you’d regret it later on.

  12. My favourite character in the film is the mother of Benjamin Button. I think she’s a very nice person, because she didn’t know Benjamin when she found him in the door of her house, and althought he had a very difficult and strange disease, she loved him, and she cared of him, like if she was his mother.
    Yes, we judge people for their appareances if we don’t know them. For example, in the film there’s an example. Benjamin’s father left him in another house, because he knew his son has a strange disease, and he didn’t want a son like Benjamin.


    Nowadays life is just a competition. We lead a busy life because we are always trying to earn our living with little time left for leisure and free time. People call this life style a “rat race”.

    In the one hand, getting older means you have to take responsability for your chores, and also have to become indepent. On the other hand, it is a fantastic experience as you can discover new fantastic things, such as making new friends, finding a job, finding your true love… furthermore, the experience of forming a family and raising children will bring you the oportunity of getting old with your relatives.

    Having said that, these experiences also have downsides. For example, imagine the life of a student in University. They have to study hard, and even spend nights doing it. However, they need to have social life and hang out with their friends, but haven’t got a lot of time to do it. Also adults have to earn money by working hard and pay expensive taxations.

    On balance, I feel that people should wake up and live the present. It doesn’t matter if you are 12 or 78, every age has got its advantages and disadvantages, and you should enjoy the advantages, because if you keep waiting for something wonderful your whole life, you’ll miss little wonderful things that happen every day.

  14. Hi, I’m Carmen.
    2. I think that is possible to love somebody that is older or younger that you because the love has no age and if you love somebody that is older is because you love him/her.
    3. My favourite character of the film is Benjamin because he is a test of overcoming. And he has to overcome many events.
    4. I think that he didn’t have to do that because is his baby, but he was afraid and angry because his wife had died.
    5. Yes, we judge people for their appearances because we are in a bad society, and that is not right, because you do damage to people telling them something that they are not.
    6. “The fear of losing not stop you from play”, i think that you have to continue with the life and the reason that you are not like the other, will not prevent you reach what you want.

  15. My name is Sofia of 3* A
    It is possible to love someone Whois is older than you because there aren’t age for love, and for example, Daisy and Benjamín are in love.
    My favourite character is Queeny, because she is a very kind,nice person and she takes Benjamín whith her unless he wasnt her son, she took him because she saw him alone in the stairs, and she took care of him until he grow up and he went out of the house.
    I am not afraid of getting older because it isnt a problem, and when you Have to be old you get old, and if you want to keep younger, you take care of you, and that is all. I think that all the people Have to live all the moments in our lifes

  16. My name is Emilio from 3º ESO
    I think that Benjamin Button abandoned Benjamin because two different things.
    First because his wife died in the birth and he would have to raise Benjamin alone.
    And second because the boy was very ugly and he didn’t want to see him.
    I think that it is wrong but it’s normal because for a man of this time is difficult to
    care a boy and to grow him.
    Perhaps I would do the same even if I think that it is wrong

  17. I think that is very cruel to abandone somebody for its condition or aparience. I think that all the people have an opportunity in the live and in this film this idea is expressed. Benjamin has a second opportunity when his adoptive mother found him and give Benjamin a new home

    I think that Roger Button abandoned Benjamin when he was born because he was very sad, because his wife was almost dead, and when he saw him he becamed extressed, so he wanted to kill him in the river but finally he abandoned Benjamin in front of a house. Roger was always sad fo doing this and he always was looking after Benjamin

  18. Hi Isabel:

    My favourite character in the film is bejamin , for me he is brave, nice and funny person but he had a problem with his apparence because he born like a old man. He grew backward. But he was not afraid of dead and tried to live life, fell in love , and always he thought in positive things.
    For this causes, I think that we dont have to afraid of dead and we have to try to do everything that we want it.

  19. Maybe I am a bit scared of getting older ‘cuz as the years go, High School becomes more difficult, we should be more responsible and we will say goodbye to our classmates, and sometimes, we’ll say goodbye to our family.
    This film taught me that is never too late to do what we’ve always wanted, that you would be able to do whatever is better for the person you’re in love with and that love does not know limits, if you love something… set it free; and finally, also toughs that does not matter what people think about you, what matters if what you think about you.

  20. Gema, from 3ºA
    Which is your favourite character in the film and why ?

    My favourite character in the film is Benjamin, because, although he is getting younger by moments, he doesn´t loses his smile and he lives the life like a normal children. He knows his problem, and he tries to resolve his problem fearless, and I like it. He´s a brave boy, and he falls in love with a girl, and he knows that isn´t for him, but, he trys to be with her. That girl goes to a dancing academy, but he doesn’t gives up, and although she rejects him, he continues loving her. I love the part when, finally, both are together, is a beautiful film. I liked it

  21. Isabel, I wrote the redaction again because I don´t know how many lines have the work. I´m sorry from the past work.
    Yes. Because the people around you started to die.
    Yes. Because you don´t choose the people that you love. I meet a man and a woman which are carried eight years. He is thirty two years old, and she is twenty four years old.
    I think that this action is very bad but on a small part, I understand him. The reason because he did this is, he thought that over the time, he converted in a baby. And he would depend on his wife.
    Yes. No, this action is bad. You can damage the feeling of this person.
    A positive message, it is to spend time pass, if you love a person, you never will leave to love it.

  22. Yes, Roger Button abandoned his baby at the beginning of the film because Benjamin Button was more different than other babys. Benjamin looked older than the others. And because of that, Roger Button thought that he could be juzge or criticized and it might damage his reputation and that of all his family. I think that if you have a baby, for example, like Benjamin, his aspect doesn’t matter. If he looks older or if he has a very big nose, you have to accept him have the tastes that he has and has the aspect that he has because in spite of all this, you want or don’t want, he is your son.

  23. Yea, it es possible love someone who es very older. Because i think that the lo ve hasn’t got en specific age. For a example, there are a lot of people who has a girlfriend or boyfriend older than she/he many years, for example 7 or 9 years old more than the other person. Other example es this story between Benjamín años Daisy.

  24. Yes, is possible love someone who is very older. Because i think that the love hasn’t got en specific age. For a example, there are a lot of people who has a girlfriend or boyfriend older than she/he many years, for example 7 or 9 years old more than the other person. Other example is this story between Benjamín años Daisy.

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