“Lost” :Choose a character and write your diary entry

“Lost” :Choose a character and write your diary entry

Choose a character. Imagine that you are on the island and write your diary entry.


About iselvacon2

My name is Isabel and as you know I teach in the Bachiller Sabuco High School in the mornings. My three passions are my family, nature and reading. My favourite book is "Los Miserables"by Victor Hugo, but I also love Hawthorne, Melville, Stevenson, Tolstoi and Flaubert. On holidays we travel with our caravan...Can you imagine what it is like to read your favourite book while you're hearing the raindrops on the roof of the caravan... ? It's Paradise on Earth. You're always welcome to this new blog . Please, feel free to leave a comment. I sincerely appreciate it.

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