Lost (Episode 3)


Jack ShepardSawyerBoth Jack Shepard and Sawyer seem to have strong personalities in differnt ways. Who , would you say, will become the leader of the group ?  Why ? Which personal qualities would be the most valuable and interesting to become the group leader ?Physical strength ? Education ? Scientific knowledge ? Creativity ? Ability to cooperate with otherrs ? Assertiveness? Technical skills?

Is there any other quality which you consider specially important in the context of the series ? Sympathy ?(=Empatía) Sense of humour ? Listening skills? Social skills? Team work ?

About iselvacon2

My name is Isabel and as you know I teach in the Bachiller Sabuco High School in the mornings. My three passions are my family, nature and reading. My favourite book is "Los Miserables"by Victor Hugo, but I also love Hawthorne, Melville, Stevenson, Tolstoi and Flaubert. On holidays we travel with our caravan...Can you imagine what it is like to read your favourite book while you're hearing the raindrops on the roof of the caravan... ? It's Paradise on Earth. You're always welcome to this new blog . Please, feel free to leave a comment. I sincerely appreciate it.

25 responses »

  1. I would catch of a plane:
    – Food, to get supplies for a few days and not starve.
    – Also would take some rest or tools to defend animals and to hunt for when I finish the provisones, the instrument would have to be long and sharpened to kill.
    -Also blankets would take me to a shelter and shade me day and have to sleep at night and be exposed to the animals directly.
      – To all this we would add a seat ticket to spend time comfortably.

  2. Obviously, when there is a lot of people together in a place, voluntarily or not, someone takes the word and organised everything in that place, other people follow him and put their trust on him or her and that person become the leader. That person, usually is the strongest or the most intelligent person of the group. In this case, we could think that the strongest person is Sawyer and the “most intelligent” could be Jack because of his medical knowledge. In my opinion, people will put their trust in Jack because he is a doctor, and that will be a good reason for Sawyer to become jealous and start a fight against Jack. I also think that this leadership will change along the story because of the situations that will be happening along it.
    Sawyer isn’t a good leader to me, well he is strong and determinate but he is also too impulsive and when you are in a situation like theirs, a good leader needs to be patient and to look for collective good worrying about other people, and Swayer is not that person.
    Maybe Jack could be a better leader for all that people because he seems to be a more conscious person, but who knows, we will see soon.

  3. I think that the leader may be the most inteligent person, strong, brave,… I think that Jack is the best person to become a lider, because he´s a doctor ande if someone is hurt he can save him, is very inteligent and brave. Although Sawyer is most brave and strong than Jack, but they differ in that Jack is caring for others is a good person and give everythings for the others. But Sawyer only thinks of himself, I think he let the other die to save his own life. If i was in this island i can´t be the leader, because i´m insecure, fearful and .. a little dramatic, surely I would start to cry and scream, “We will all die!” And that’s not good jajaja.

  4. I think that Jack will become the leader of the group because he have a lot of positive qualities which Sawyer doesn’t have. He is strong, good person, polite, brave, etc. But the most important quality he have is the sympathy. He is a very empathic person, he is always concerned and thinking about the others. If you are lost on an island, you can’t be selfish, because if you don’t help people, they won’t help you. He also heals people who have wounds. Sawyer thinks about himself and Jack thinks about all people and in my opinion, Jack is more sociable too. If you see the begining of the first episode you can see him helping other people, going place to place, etc. I think it’s clear who will be the leader of the group!

  5. As we can see in our daily life, organization is important to keep in coexistence with other people. So it will be important decide who will be the leader. As far as I know the character of these two people I would say that Jack Shepard will become the leader of the group. Probably I say that because of his medical knowledge, it would be interesting if the leader knows about medicine; people would be safer. Sawyer is the kind of person that looks for the best decision but he isn’t always right. The leader must be a person who can work and cooperate with others and keep calm in difficult situations. I consider that a very important quality is the sympathy because on the island people is trying to forget their problems but it’s interesting have someone who understands you when you have no friends.

  6. As far as I am concerned, a group leader has to be a person who is not afraid of making a decision despite some people might think about it. A leader has to know what is the best for the community and facing those who doesn’t provide any good to that community.
    In one hand, there’s Swayer, who may be direct, impulsive, and selfish when making a decision. That can be positive or negative depending on the situation. It doesn’t matter how strong you are, if you don’t know how to think for the good of the group. Being a leader means you have to protect your group, but there’s no need of strength: some good ideas can help you; so you have to be intelligent too.
    Surely, Jack would take a time to think and maybe analyse pros and cons. In my opinion, a problem must be solved with the head, and I’m sure Sawyer would not be able to do it that way.
    Jack is interested in the passengers and he is also a doctor, however, Sawyer likes going on his own. He is strong but Jack would face problems calmly.

  7. In my opinion, a leader doesn’t have to be strong or have technical skills, a leader has to be protector of his group, a good person too and he or she should be intelligent enough to decide what is the best for his or her group. According to this, I thinks the best leader would be Jack, because he is calmer than Sawyer, and he thinks in the whole group not only in himself. In the other hand Sawyer is very brave and nothing scares him but he is very impulsive and Jack would know better how to keep the mind cold in extreme situations. But if Jack falls in love with the fugitive girl, he will be manipulanle by the girl. And Sawyer isn’t so influenced in this way. In conclusion, the best leader for me would be Jack because of his strong personality and how he behaviours with people.

  8. I think that Jack will be better leader than Sawyer because Jack have more good qualities. Sawyer is unconcerned about the survivors, and he only help in little things, but Sawyer like
    He worry more about the group, he help the sicks, he respect the others person, he is very polite…The only bad thing what Jack have is that he is very trusted with Kate, and he doesn´t know too many.
    But if I had to choose one person now I prefer Jack.
    Really the both can be good leaders, we need to see more chapters to choose Jack or Sawyer. The both are good characters in the series and can do too many things.

  9. Although we don´t like it, when there are many people together there´s always someone who becomes the leader.
    But in my opinion become a leader is more than having the ability to make right decisions for a group, is beeing considerate, sensible, confident, having the ability to make a plan and follow it until the end without giving it up, a person who takes his responsability and help others to take theirs back, someone who has listening skills in order to bring together the whole group wishes, somebody who easily tied in with other people.
    Beside, is important to have sense of humour and to be in a good mood it´s always indispensable to resolve bad situations.
    For all these reasons, I take the view that Sawyer isn´t a good leader because he´s bad-tempered and a leader must be always patient. In addition, he only thinks about himself, he isn´t sympathetic with the others, and to me, if he became the leader, he´d be bossy and rude.
    So, in my opinion Jack is the perfect one to turn into the leader, he has all this important qualities and also he´s a doctor, so the group confidence him.

  10. From my point of view, the best leader is oneself. If everybody takes care of himself, we wouldn´t need any leader to say us what to say. But it implies to be responsable and honest with yourself and with each other. If you accept not to have a leader you can´t expect yourself to become a leader and tell the others how work or do whatever. However, in an extreme situation in a deserted island people need to cooperate and help each other. It is also a foregone conclusion that someone will try to became the leader and ensure that he or she survives. The main qualities of this master should be mental strength, eloquence to turn people calm and courage to bear the hardships of the survival. According to that, both Jack and Sawyer could be great leaders, but I would rather Sawyer because his personality and his intelligence. Jack seems to be quite weak to take difficult decisions.

  11. In my opinion the survivors need a leader like Jack. Why? It’s very simple. They need a leader that worries about them. Because this the leader of the group can’t be Sawyer, for the simple reason that he only worries about himself. Unlike Sawyer, Jack is always thinking about other survivors. Taking care of them, looking for medicines … and worrying for the minimal event. Another thing is that Jack has knowledge about medicine, but Sawyer, at first, hasn’t know nothing important apart from prolong the suffering of someone for not being able to kill him with a shot. Finally, Jack tries to support the peace and the calmness between the survivors, and Sawyer up has only managed to destroy them. In summary, in my opinion Jack is actually the best person who can be the leader of the group.

  12. I think that the leader will be Jack, always, all the groups should have a leader, and Jack in my opinion is the best who were in the island, because he is a very good person, he helped in all that he could and always mottivating the others and himself, try to don’t lose hope, he knew a secret and he did’t say that, he is very confident and always he know what he is doing, i think that he know that now, is the leader from the island but someone like Sawyer is trying to get the place, because is an important place, i think, Sawyer isn’t qualified to be THE LEADER he is a little bit bad and Jack have sense of responsibility and Sawyer is a “crazy” person .

  13. I think that both character have a strong personality and they have the capacity to be the leader, but I think that Jack will be the best. He’s a very good person and he is always helping to the sick persons and the others on the island. He’s also a nice person and the people on the island have a good relationship with him, wich is very important.
    But Sawyer won’t be a good leader. He’s a little bit selfish and he only cares of himself and he doesn’t have a very good temperament. He always has some problems with other characters and thats the reason that the others don’t have a good relationship with him.
    So I definitely think that the leader will be Jack.

  14. From my point of view, Jack could be a good leader because is a person with strong values, skills and qualities, so he is the perfect one to guide the group for many places on the island. However, Sawyer prefers going on his own, thinking of himself and that is not the way to be a leader. I think that Sawyer is a bit impolite and as I concerned many people cannot trust in him. In order to control this situation the people from the island needs a leader who takes care about someone, to help them, to take the best decision, with medicine knowledge’s or something like that. So Jack is the best leader that a group of people can have.

  15. In my opinion the learder should be the stroger, most intelligent and the most sensible. This qualities are very improtant to survive in a desert island.
    Firstly he should be strong to make hard decisionto keep the group alive, he must think the best fot the gruop without take into account yours feelings.
    He should be intelligent too, It is necessary to find the way to scape of the island, it is important to find food or others things.
    And the most important for me is be sensible, it make you take good decisions and help the group to stay together and safe.
    Finally the person who have more of these cualities is Jack.He is a doctor and of the begginig and he always try to help all the people of the crash plane.

  16. I think that the leader is going to be Jack, because he knows how to act at the dangerous moments and everybody trusts him since the beginning of the accident. He is very brave but also very prudent because he always looks after the other survivors. He always tries to help the rest and this is a very important quality for a leader, because in a situation like that, you need a support for the difficult moments. But I prefer Sawyer, because he isn’t afraid of anything and he is more impulsive and because of that he doesn’t mind putting himself at risk when it is necessary. I know that he prefers being alone and this isn’t a very good quality for a leader but if you need his help I think that he will always be there for you.

  17. In a situation like that, it’s important to have a leader that guides people, trying survive. A leader is a person who can keep a group together. I believe that Jack would be this kind of person, maybe because he is very valiant and solidary with the others. He is concerned about the safety of all, and it’s a quality that Sawyer hasn’t, he is so selfish and proud, he is worried only about himself. I think that Jack is ready to encourage people always, wichi is very important too. For me, Sewyer is a bit rude, sometimes doesn’t respect the others’ opinions. However, Jack is different, he is polite and prudent, so people would like to spend more time with Jack, with their leader.
    On balance, Jack must be the leader, it will be the best for all.

  18. I think that like in real life, in the island the people needs to be organized. And for that they need someone very complete. Both of them Jack and Sawyer have very interesting skills but, I think that Jack is probaly a better leader than Sawyer. Cause he has a big leadership power, he’s more interested in the others than in himself not like Sawyer. Appart from that, Jack is brave, intelligent, and he he’s friendly with the others, keeping their hope.

    For all that reasons I think that Jack will be a better leader for the survivors.

  19. It’s a difficult question, because them are good to be a leader in some aspects but not in others, for example, Jack is very comprehensive with the people, but his principles some times make him to do things which “are not the best”, on the contrary Sawyer seems like if he hasn’t any principles, and can do the things that Jack can’t, but he isn’t as intelligent as he is, so he can’t make the decisions as good as he can. In other ways Jack seem like he is a “good guy” and tries to help everybody and carry with their weight, but in time it takes its toll, and he will see that he can’t stand carrying it, a problem which Sawyer will not have because of his nature, but also he seem to be more “corruptible” and maybe the group wouldn’t trust him for a long time, problem that Jack, because of his principles, won’t have never to care about. So, in conclusion, I simply can’t decide clearly about the best leader, but if I need to choose quickly I would preffer Jack.

  20. I think to be a leader is necessary have patience great and think about the others because all the people ask you for help to everithing.Yo need to be strong and keep safety everybody.
    The person in Losts who have this features is Jack . He is always saving people and looking for someone who need his help. He’s always worried and trying to calm the situation. All this things are good qualities than a leader have to.

    He must be very clever with his decisions because the consecuences reverberate in the others.
    It’s a very difficult work when everybody are nervious and Jack are doing all in his hands to get it right

  21. What does a hero truly need? Much depends upon the hero…

    Jack or the long-haired man…? Good question, difficult answer, 50% for each one:

    Jack would be a comprehensive and patient leader. He’s not strong, that’s why he is able to understand weak people. He’s a doctor, he helped the wounded people and I’m sure that they are pleased to him. He is not good at thinking when the situation is extreme.

    On the other side, Sawyer is a person with a name as strong as his personality. He would surely be a good leader becouse of skills, he really knows how to think when things go on a bad way, he is astute but bit distrustful. He will be ok untill his cigarettes expire, maybe then he would get nervious and became a problem.

    The best would be Sawyer as leader and Jack as his counselor. Sawyer is good at making plans and Jack is good at talking with people. Two things that you need to became good a leader.

    What does a hero truly need? That is for you to decide…

  22. No one but me trusts Sawyer? Yes, he’s impulsive, but that’s something necesary to lead the people in a situation as extreme as that island. Jack would never be able to take a quick decision, he doesn’t see things clear when something is not going on well.

  23. I think the most importants qualities of a leader are: to understand other people, to be a good speaker, to be clever, to be obeyed and he has to know what to do in every situation.
    On the one hand, Sawyer has got a strong personality and I think people will listen to him because he intimidate people, and this is a very important quality for a leader, like Machiavelli wrote in his book “The Prince”, which says that people has to be afraid of the leader, because they will obey him. He also know what to do in the jungle, but he don’t understand people, he don’t think in them when he does a decision, he thinks in surviving.
    On the other hand, Jack understand people very well and he is a doctor, so he thinks in the people and he knows what to do in case of injuries. People like him, so they will obey him, but if you are a leader who thinks if people as friends, they can be overconfident. I think that he is a good speaker because he knows how to deal will people’s injuries and diseases. He also thinks in people and respect them.
    Definetly, I’ll choose both of them as co-leaders because the lacks of one are the abilities of the other. They will have many arguments, but in ties, they can ask people. They can distribute the obligations, maybe Sawyer can leader the collecting of food and Jack can choose the places, where to move on, and the medical care.

  24. In my opinion the most important qualities of a good leader, apart from his skills, or if he is stronger than other one, it’s the way to solve the problems in the group, also he has to be a person who can help people psychologically and is very important to create a good atmosphere, and put a smile when people need it. Being confident about himself would be another important feature. We can’t forget about another quality, a leader who can plan the things that the group is going to carry out.
    I think Jack would be the best leader, because he has always a solution, and he knows how to keep calm very well, so that’s very important when he needs patience, and to calm the rest of the group. Also he knows about medicine, so that’s a thing that people take into account and will help to save people’s health. I think he would make the things very good, and he would help to all of us to pass all these days better.

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